website owner

Guide for websites owners

We review WordPress websites, domains, hosting services as tools for online businesses in this guide.

A website is basically a collection of web pages with text, media, links, and a domain name, published on a web server. Your WordPress site, your domain name, your hosting provider, all are tools for you- the business owner. WordPress themes gain popularity in the business world, specifically for easy-to-add content.

In several words, ready-made themes allow business owners to set up their online presence in minutes. However, even with a purchased theme, proper setup could require IT knowledge and time. On the other hand, a (premium) theme is not enough for branding and your virtual presence.

Also, regardless of the theme, you need to buy a domain and hosting service.

Therefore, business owners should buy a domain, hosting service for their website, and work with a WordPress developer for changes in the website structure, functionality, design changes with custom CSS and so on.


1. Hosting service

Hosting services must be able to store on servers WordPress sites. There is no alternative to WP theme-based sites. If the selected hosting provider hasn`t enough space or competencies for the WP system, it is not possible to store a WP-CMS site on its server. Period. The WP theme (even Premium) has nothing to do in this situation. If you like a WP site, make sure your hosting supplier is the right one.

2. Domain name

The chosen domain is the name of the future site. The domain could be registered online with a Domain Name registrar (in most cases, your hosting provider will help with this). Domain names may be formed from the set of alphanumeric ASCII characters (a-z, A-Z, 0-9), but characters are case-insensitive. Hyphens are permitted but only surrounded by characters, digits, and in no case at the beginning or end of the name. Among other domains, .com is considered a top-level domain (TLD).

3. WordPress development

WP themes, the premium ones have usually more functions, are ready-made templates for future WordPress sites. Even purchased, a theme is not so easy to set up on a server provided by a hosting company. While almost all hosting suppliers charge a fee to put your website`s files or to transfer your entire website, you could be charged for improvements/changes/add-code/re-write-code for your theme. All this work you can solve with a WP web developer. She or he might even develop plugins according to your requirements. Eventually, you want to be close to your customers in a fantastic way.

No matter how well is developed a theme, you’ll still need something extra. Your online business success depends on code and design. Higher traffic to your site means higher recognition. Keep in mind, visitors generally stay five seconds per site at their first visit. If they find a fast-loading website with attractive design and easy-to-read text, you have all chances for longer visits than-a-few-seconds-visit from online users.

Drag-and-drop technique for you as admin, it is the easiest way to stay focused on your business and not on your website code. Ask your developer to build your site in the simplest manner to add content. Think that you will need web pages or inner pages, with all content that you want to show to your visitors and customers.

Your WordPress, if you want this CMS, website should be as the most popular WP websites:

  • Drive conversions
  • Focused on clients
  • Easy to add content
  • Adapt to any device
  • Secure connection

Getting leads is maybe one of your primary goals. Use an opt-in landing page, chat features, notifications bar, any idea is good. Ask for reviews from your customers, people you have helped, to write their opinions about you and your services. Use trusted-reviews to build your online presence.

Recommended: Focus on SEO optimized site

SEO is not difficult nor easy. It simply has to be correctly implemented on your site. If you want your site to be more easily found by search engines, it would be good to have in mind the SEO part. Gain more online popularity with SEO properly implemented.

Entrepreneurs want to have a successful business. No doubts on this. They seek and find solutions, usually quite fast. All-related-website things should be their last concern. Better, not to have. Any business owner should be peaceful about website and hosting.


Your WordPress site should be responsive, easy-to-read on any device, have an exclusive design, optimized for users and search engines, attractive for visitors, easy to update with great content. If web pages are linked properly, you are on the right track.

Do you want a new website? Or, redesign your website? Contact us.

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